This project has received funding from the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014) under grant agreement nº 641538

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Cooperation with International Institutions:



GeoViQua collaborates in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (22-27th July 2012 in Munich, Germany), as an exhibitor jointly with EGIDA FP7 project and MiraMon, a GIS and RS software developed in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. GeoViQua also participates with a scientific contribution with the paper Emerging data quality from GEOSS integrated clearinghouses; I. Serral, P. Díaz, J. Masó and X. Pons.


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Involvement of the European association of remote sensing industry (EARSC) set up a working group dedicated to certification. As observer to the EARSC, ESA brings in also input coming from GeoViQua achievements, including outcomes from the GEO label activity. ESA made a presentation of project concept and achievements at EARSC general assembly, and other EARSC meetings, including telecoms. The EARSC Annual Meeting and General Assembly took place on June 30th in Brussels . About 20 Members took part in the meeting and contributed to the familiar and interesting event. Two invited lectures were presented Dr. Stefano Bruzzi, Head of the ESA Coordination Office and co-leader of the GMES Programme Office and Dr. Steve Coulson, Head of the ESA-EOMD Program. Both have informed us about ESA´s strategy in Earth Observation, in particular in the GMES and EOEP activities and the new opportunities to do business with ESA at the upcoming EOMD- Market Development programme.

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The EGU General Assembly 2012 brought together a large number of geo scientists at a meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. Geoviqua participated in the meeting by presenting posters and oral sessions.

Joan Masó, coordinator and manager of the GeoViQua project, has been elected the new president of the section Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI ) of the EGU.

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The Earthcube meeting in Bremen Germany (21/9/2012) was held following the kickoff of the COOPEUS framework project, which focuses on European and US collaboration. It had 20 attendees from a variety of organizations. Subsequent to the meeting, all attendees were asked to respond to a survey. A final report will be posted including a summary of the meeting outcomes and an analysis of the survey.

In the EarthCube Session at the OGC Quarterly Meeting in DC (March 2014) the organizers of the meeting wanted a presentation about the user feedback system developed in GeoViQua.

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