This project has received funding from the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014) under grant agreement nº 641538
S[&]t Corporation (The Netherlands)
S&T corporation (S&T stands for Science & Technology) is a SME conducting hightech
projects and consultancy related to technical SW engineering and analysis. S&T
started in 2000 and has grown to a diverse group of 70 scientists and engineers.
Typical customers and partners are the European Space Agency (ESA), TNO, EADS,
ASTRIUM, VEGA, Siemens, SNECMA, Logica and others. S&T has a broad experience in building EO
data handling and data quality monitoring, control and visualization systems for various ESA EOmissions,
such as ENVISAT, GOCE, Radar Altimetry, various Earth Explorers and Sentinel-1. Although
the various EO missions and instruments are very heterogenic in terms of the operations concept, data
flows, data product format, data processing and visualization, S&T is continuously trying to find generic
concepts for combining data from dfferent missions, including intercomparison of data between
missions, and intercomparison of EO-data to in-situ data (GECA and NORS projects).
Key project participants________________________________________________________
Dr Joost Smeets graduated in 1995 in Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of
Technology. He started his career as systems and control engineer, and has worked at S&T since 2002 in
the areas of systems engineering, calibration analysis, SW engineering, and project management. As a
SW engineer, he has been responsible for realizing SW+HW systems that automatically and interactively
assess data quality from EO satellites such as ENVISAT (GOMOS, MIPAS, RA-2, SCIAMACHY). He
has also been involved in the European FP7 project GeoViQua on topics of data quality extraction and
intercomparison. He is currently working on calibration and data quality monitoring facilities for future
missions such as Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-5 precursor (TROPOMI). Key role in the project: Staff
working for the beneficiary that will coordinate the S&T contributions to analysis of functional gaps for
the comparison between in-situ data and EO-data originating from satellites.
MSc Maud van den Broek graduated as Aerospace Engineer at the Delft University of Technology in 2006. Her research area is Solid Earth Dynamics in relation to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment. After two years working as validation engineer for the Galileo program she switched to become a software engineer at Science and Technology. Her current specialism is creating applications and graphical user interfaces (C++, Qt, Python) to be used in scientific environments. Key role in ConnectinGEO is upgrading and extending the geospatial feedback catalogue which was build as part of the GeoViQua project. The updated server will support storage of user feedback on the observation inventory and gap analysis.
Dr Marcella Veneziani received her PhD in Astronomy in 2009, from the University of Rome la Sapienza and the University of Paris Diderot. From 2010 to 2014, she worked at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as principal investigator and co-investigator of studies of the evolutionary processes and radiative transfer in the Milky Way, through the analysis of large datasets from ESA/NASA satellite missions. She has worked at S&T since 2014, starting as a scientific software engineer and building quality control software for ESA ground segment systems of the Cryosat-2, Swarm and ADM-Aeolus missions. Since 2015, she has become project manager and supervised large reprocessing campaigns and software products. Key role in ConnectinGEO: in charge of the S&T contributions to the analysis of functional gaps in in-situ repositories and the comparison between in-situ and satellite data, in support of Copernicus missions.
52º North GmbH
S[&]t Corporation
Institut Mines-Télécom